Dexter Johnson
I was born in West Palm Beach, Florida, where my parents owned a restaurant, “Johnson’s Chicken Wings and Things.” That was where I realized my love for Culinary Arts. I joined the US Navy Submarine Fleet in 1989 and retired in 2016. During a deployment, I was dealing with various life challenges and was looking for help to figure it all out. On a naval support ship talking with a Chaplain, I found myself talking about the direction of my life. I was feeling that something was missing. I knew about God, but hadn’t yet yielded to His leadership over my life. From a two day conversation with him, I gave my life over to the Lord.
A few years later, I meet my future wife Hwa while serving in a singles ministry, and a few years later we got married. We have two lovely daughters, D’Anna and Samantha and have been attending Ambassador since it was planted. We had a small break in our attendance when we were stationed in Hawaii for almost 3 years. I have served in many different ministries over the years. I currently serve as an Ignite leader, in Men’s ministry, and as the Prayer team lead. Over the years God has taught me many things, but the greatest among them is to have a hunger for God. This has developed and impacted my marriage, family, and life. His gifts of abundant love, grace and mercy has come out of God feeding that hunger and has been nothing short of amazing. For without that I am nothing, so I credit any progress to the Lord.