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John Park

John (or “J.P.” as everyone calls him) has been the senior pastor at Ambassador since 2005. He grew up in southern California and pastored there for over 8 years before going “coast-to-coast.” He is a graduate of U.C. San Diego (B.A.) and Talbot School of Theology (M.Div and Th.M).

John has been married to his wife, Sandy, since 1995, and they have two adult children, Nathan and Emily. He loves traveling with his wife, discovering new places to eat, and staying active.

John loves the people of Ambassador and finds it a privilege and a joy to serve them and be a part of what God is doing in and through the church. His passion is to see the church live out its biblical calling to be a God-exalting, people-loving, Christ-proclaiming, Spirit-driven, prayer-filled, and Word-saturated community of believers who are passionate about and committed to God’s redemptive plan to bless all the peoples of the world to the end that God would be glorified.

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