Stefanie Rendall
Stefanie grew up in a Christian home in South Germany. From her earliest childhood, she loved Jesus with all her heart and had a great desire for others to know Him, too. She learned at home, in Sunday-school, in His Word, through biographies, through other believers, and through walking with God, that He is absolutely trustworthy and the only One who can fill our deepest desires. When she was 9, at a children’s camp, she was overcome with a deep conviction of her sin and lostness and received God’s abundant forgiveness and grace. Since then she is realizing her dependence on God more and more.
After working as a nurse for a few years, God called her to India at the age of 25. While there, working with Afghan and Iranian refugees, as well as leading an international team and learning Indian culture, she met her husband David. Together they served for several years in India, before moving to Northern Virginia.
Stefanie has worked with children in different settings, places and countries. She believes children have a special place in God’s heart. She loves to see children fall in love with Jesus and become life-long disciples of Him. Her desire is to have the children of ABC taste and see the goodness of God, and to enter into a personal relationship with Him, who loved them enough to die for them. She wants to see them be so excited about Jesus, that all other things fade in comparison, and for them to discover true, abundant life in Jesus.
Stefanie is the mother of four children, Daniel, Noah, Elisha, and Anna, whom she home-schooled. Gardening has always been a hobby and many times God speaks to her in and through her garden. Times alone with God are where she finds the strength and courage to face life with its challenges and joys.